The USPTO Trademark site provides helpful information on searching and applying for trademarks, including videos and FAQ's. It also provides access to the Trademark Electronic Search System (TESS), the Trademark Electronic Application System and applicable laws and rules.
Each design search code is a numerical classification index that codifies design figurative elements into categories, divisions and sections. The design search codes act as the equivalent of a filing system for paper records. Each design element in a specific category is assigned a six-digit number. The first two numbers indicate the category; the second group of two-digit numbers indicates the division; and the third group of two-digit numbers indicates the section.
TM TKO provides advanced searching of trademark registrations and office actions. To obtain an account contact Amy Bruce, Legal Information Librarian,
The Intellectual Property & Technology Practice Area provides access to a wide variety of practical resources to assist in tasks involved in transactional practice. Guidance includes checklists, practice notes, and sample forms and clauses.
This chart lists the factors that courts in each circuit consider when assessing likelihood of confusion in trademark infringement cases or in Trademark Trial and Appeal Board (TTAB) proceedings.
This treatise is a leading authority on trademark law. It provides information and analysis on needed to successfully represent clients in formulating, registering, licensing, protecting, and litigating trademarks and related rights.
This resource kit provides an overview of trademark registration and maintenance, including drafting, filing, and prosecuting trademark applications; and maintaining and renewing trademark registrations, and other post-registration issues.
This toolkit contains resources to help US-based mark owners and their counsel register a trademark or service mark with the US Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) and maintain the registration.
This resource kit provides an overview of trademark searching and clearance, including gathering and assessing information from clients, conducting trademark clearance searches and evaluating the results, and addressing prior conflicting marks.
This checklist can be used to determine whether a client’s proposed trademark or service mark is available for use. It identifies the information to collect, and issues to consider, when assessing the strength and registrability of a proposed mark.
This checklist contains information and materials that counsel should obtain from a client before conducting trademark searching and clearance in the US.