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Student Survival Kit

This guide covers the library facilities and services available to incoming and current law students through the Law Library and its faculty/staff.


Welcome to Boston College Law Library!

Much of the information contained in the New Student Survival Kit will be helpful to you in using the library and accessing our resources. The Student Survival Kit can help you get technology help, check out course reserves, and get answers to your research questions. There is information on study aids available for free through BC Law and resources on basic legal research like links to Research Guides and helpful ebooks on legal research basics. In addition, below we have included some resources, books and legal dictionaries, that may particularly helpful to you in navigating the U.S. legal system and conducting U.S. legal research.


The law library has a number of foreign language dictionaries in the collection. You can search the library catalog to locate both general and legal dictionaries and limit to the language you need. A law librarian can assist you in locating a dictionary as well.  You can also access the Oxford Language Dictionaries online which contains Spanish, French, German, Italian and Chinese language dictionaries.

Books on the U.S. Legal System