To find relevant books, search the Library Catalog by keyword or known subject heading. Using subject headings helps you find relevant books that don't use your keywords in their title, but only if you have found the correct subject heading. For more comprehensive searching, use subject heading terms in a keyword search.
Shelf browsing is another way to find helpful books. Because the library shelves books on the same topic together, once you have found a useful call number, check the other volumes on the shelf. Remember books can only be given one call number, but can be given multiple subject headings, so be sure to check the catalog as well for books with multiple subjects and for books currently off the shelf.
Suggested Shelf-browse Call Numbers for Business of Health Law:
KF -- American law
KF 2905 – KF 2915 Regulation of health professionals
KF 3605 – KF 3609 Health insurance
KF 3821 – KF 3832 Medical legislation including health facilities
RA -- Public aspects of medicine
RA 410 – RA 416 Medical economics
RA 960 – RA 966 Hospitals
Treatises in the Boston College Law Library are shelved in a subject arrangement developed by the Library of Congress. To browse the shelves for books relating to Law of Health Care Organizations, we suggest the call numbers listed here. While shelf browsing gives an opportunity to see the books themselves as you look for research sources, each book can only be assigned one call number, so thorough researchers also check the library catalogs to find books on their research topics shelved in other areas of the library.
To find relevant books, search the catalog by keyword or known subject heading. Using subject headings helps you find relevant books that don't use your keywords in their title, but only if you have found the correct subject heading. Here is a list of subject headings that might be useful in researching Health Care finance and Organizations.
Employer-sponsored health insurance
Health care rationing
Health care reform
Health facilities—Administration
Health facilities—Business management
Health facilities—Finance
Health facilities—Law and legislation
Health facilities, Proprietary
Health insurance claims
Health lawyers
Health maintenance organizations
Health services administration
Insurance, Health
Hospital administrators
Hospital attorneys
Hospital management companies
Hospitals—Business management
Medical care
Medical laws and legislation
Medical records -- Access control
United States. Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996