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How to Add New Styles

Bluebook Citations

You can format citations to Bluebook style using Zotero. Begin by adding the Bluebook Style to your Zotero Library. Steps: Open Zotero, select Edit from the main menu. Now select Preferences. Select the Bluebook Law Review style from the options offered and click Install.

Need a New Style? Notice an Error?

Since Zotero is an Open Source product there are many people involved in the development process. As such styles are being created, improved, and tested by many people. Below are some steps you can take if you notice issues or would like to request a new style be generated. For expert users who want to delve into altering the code themselves, please continue to the Editing Styles box for more information.

If you would like to request a new style please carefully read through the Style Request instructions.

If you notice errors in a style you are using please follow these steps.