On Lexis Advance, you can limit your search to Massachusetts materials using the jurisdiction drop down box under the main search bar. You can also look up specific titles, such as the Handbook of Legal Research in Massachusetts, by using the Browse Sources feature. To find all MCLE title on Lexis Advance, you can also search for MCLE in the Browse Sources search box. (Individual password access only)
Access Massachusetts materials on Lexis.com by using the following trail: Legal > States Legal - U.S. > Massachusetts. Secondary sources, such as MCLE materials, are available under Search Analysis & CLE Material. Other useful databases in the Massachusetts material on Lexis.com include: Jury instructions; Forms;and News, including Massachusetts Lawyers Weekly. (Individual password access only)
The Massachusetts Trial Court Law Libraries website has links to Massachusetts primary law and short research guides under Laws by Subject. The Mass Law Blog has posts about recent cases, legislation, and other items of interest. (free resource)
BloombergLaw has Massachusetts state cases, an unannotated version of the General Laws of Massachusetts, the Code of Massachusetts Regulations and other sources of Massachusetts primary law. (Individual password access only). BLAW also offers selected content from Masachusetts Continuing Legal Education.
Boston College Law School faculty and students have access to the new MCLE OnlinePass, a database of all MCLE content. Handbooks, course books, and audio or video coverage of MCLE sessions are searchable using the MCLE OnlinePass. Access the database using the Law Library's database list. Note: if you are attempting to log in when you are off-campus, you will be prompted for your BC credentials.
Access Massachusetts materials on Westlaw using the State Materials tab. Secondary sources on Westlaw include Massachusetts Practice and MCLE materials. (Individual password access only)