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Catholic Social Thought and the Law

Recent Publications

Catholic Legal Education - Selected articles

The Journal of Catholic Legal Studies published a Symposium issue devoted to Catholic legal education in 2019.

Peter P. Meringolo, Catholic Moral Teaching and Natural Law: Changing the Way We Think About and Teach Professional Legal Ethics, 44 Loy. U. Chi. L.J. 1067 (2013).

Veryl Victoria Miles, Faith-Based Law Schools: Making Mission Matter,  66 Cath. U. L.Rev.  795 (2017).

W. Edward Afield, Framing Tax Enforcement Against the Poor Through Catholic Social Teaching, Canopy Forum on the Interactions of Law & Religion, Oct. 28, 2021. 

John M. Breen, Neutrality in Liberal Legal Theory and Catholic Social Thought, 32 Harv. J.L. & Pub. Pol'y, 513 (2009). 

Lee J. Strang & John M. Breen, The Road Not Taken: Catholic Legal Education at the Middle of the Twentieth Century,  51 Am. J. Legal Hist. 553 (2011). 

Dan Pattee, Social Justice and Catholic Social Thought, 21 Catholic Social Science Review 99 (2016).

Selected Books on Catholic Social Thought and the Law

These readings are offered as helpful starting points in understanding Catholic social thought and the law. 

Initiative on Catholic Social Thought and Public Life

Georgetown University created the Initiative on Catholic Social Thought and Public Life to  encourage open communication on Catholic social thought in the context of both national and global developments. This website provides links to upcoming events offered remotely as well as links to recorded past events such as panel discussions and lectures.