[Descriptions supplied by publishers]
- Daily Tax Report: International - Available on Bloomberg Law. Research tax news related to a specific country by selecting International Tax, then entering the desired country name; this process will retrieve documents featuring news items for that country.
- Global Daily Tax News - Available on VitalLaw. Brief coverage of breaking news.
- IBFD Tax News - Included in the IBFD platform, the news service is updated daily, and subscribers can access daily or weekly summaries.
- International Tax Developments Tracker - Available in International Tax module of Bloomberg Law's Tax Practice Center. Covers daily news and analysis related to the world's financial and tax areas.
- Tax Notes International - Available on Taxnotes platform. Provides coverage of breaking news in international tax in weekly online magazine format.
- Tax Notes Today Global - Available on Taxnotes platform. Offers daily coverage of international and multinational tax developments.