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Research Support for Boston College Law School's Center for Experiential Learning

Describes research sources and services for students and faculty involved with Boston College Law School's Center for Experiential Learning.

Massachusetts Practice Series

All BC Law students have access to the entire Massachusetts Practice Series in both print and electronic format.  The Law Library maintains 2 print sets of Mass. Practice; one set is kept on Permanent Reserve at the Information Desk.  The second print copy is on the Library's fourth floor in the Massachusetts collection; the call number is  KFM2480 .M3.

  Massachusetts Practice book

Westlaw includes the Massachusetts Practice Series so students and faculty have access to the entire set using their Westlaw credentials.  Are you a frequent user of Mass. Practice?  Set up this title to be a "favorite" on Westlaw.  Need help adding a favorite resource?  Check the Westlaw instructions.  Stop by the Law Library's Information Desk to get help from a law librarian if you have questions.

Docket Searching

Docket research is the process of searching the record of pending litigation on either the state or federal level.  Federal court dockets are more readily retrieved than are state dockets.  For more information, check the Boston College Law Library's research guide on Docket Research.

MCLE OnlinePass

Boston College Law School faculty and students have access to the new MCLE OnlinePass, a database of all MCLE content.  Handbooks, course books, and audio or video coverage of MCLE sessions are searchable using the MCLE OnlinePass. The "e-Demonstrations" of key practice elements are included here as video files along with checklists and practice notes documents for reference. Access the database using the Law Library's database list.  Note: if you are attempting to log in when you are off-campus, you will be prompted for your BC credentials.

 MCLE book and cd rom


Massachusetts General Laws

Access the Massachusetts statutory code here:

  • Westlaw: Massachusetts General Laws Annotated.  Contains text of statutory code with references to caselaw, secondary sources, forms.
  • LexisAdvance: Annotated Laws of Massachusetts. Contains text of statutory code with references to caselaw, secondary sources, forms.
  • Mass. General Court website. Unofficial site with  text of statutes only.   
  • BloombergLaw: Massachusetts General Laws Contains text of statutes only; no annotations.
  • Print copies: Mass. General Laws Annotated ("The green set") KFM2430 1958 .A42; Annotated Laws of Massachusetts ("The black set") KFM2430 1932.A2; Official edition: General Laws of Massachusetts ("The paperback set") KFM2430 .A24                                                                                                             

Practical Law Company

The Practical Law Company offers resources for practitioners in the form of brief introductory articles on certain areas of practice, e.g. Mechanic's Liens, as well as sample filings.  You can search Practical Law using your Westlaw credentials; Practical Law appears on the introductory search page.

Practising Law Institute - PLI DiscoverPlus Database

Practising Law Institute is a major provide of continuing legal education.  PLI publications are an excellent way to gather background on a particular area of practice as well as find sample documents and filings.  All BC Law faculty and stduents have access to the PLI DiscoverPlus database. Select PLI from the Law Library's list of databases; if you are working off-campus, you will be prompted for your BC network credentials.

Mass. Rules of Court

Mass. Rules of Court can be found on BloombergLaw, LexisAdvance and Westlaw.

BloombergLaw - select All Legal Content, restrict to Jurisdiction = Mass., choose Court Rules.

LexisAdvance - select Statutes and Legislation as content type (yes, court rules are included with the statutory code), Massachusetts as jurisdiction and    All Practice Areas.  Search using "ALM Mass. R. Civ. P. 26" as an example; this will retrieve the court rules and you can access the table of contents

Westlaw - select State materials, choose Massachsuetts; rules of court appear in category Statutes and Court Rules

Free web access to Mass. rules of court.