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Amicus Briefs Resources

How to Use this Guide

This research guide contains helpful resources for drafting and filing an amicus brief.  Start with this page to get a general overview of the history, use, content, and format for an amicus brief.  If you are planning on filing an amicus brief in a case before the Supreme Jucicial Court or the Massachusetts Appeals Court, the Massachusetts Courts page contains suggested Massachusetts materials including treatises, court rules, and suggestions on finding briefs filed in these courts.  The Federal Courts page contains similiar resources but geared mostly towards filing a brief in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the First Circuit.




Unless otherwise indicated, these articles can be located on Westlaw, Lexis Advance, or HeinOnline.

Jonathan M. Albano & David B. Salmons, Some Thoughts on Amicus Briefs, Boston B.J., Summer (2011)
This short article includes some tips on drafting an amicus brief.

Helen A. Anderson, Frenemies of the Court: The Many Faces of Amicus Curiae, 49 U. Rich. L. Rev. 361 (2015)
Included in her discusses of the different types of amicus curiae, Anderson refers to some applicable rules in both state and federal courts.

David S. Foreman, 7 Tips for Writing an Effective Amicus Brief, Law360, New York (June 8, 2016, 3:33 PM EDT) 
Very brief, recent newsletter piece that gives tips for writing an effective amicus brief.

Kelly J. Lynch, Best Friends? Supreme Court Law Clerks on Effective Amicus Curiae Briefs, 20 J.L. & Pol. 33 (2004)
Although focused on the U.S. Supreme Court, this article has some interesting takeaways on how to craft an effective amicus brief.

Practical Law, Expert Q&A on Best Practices for Amicus Briefing, Practical Law Article w-002-8700

Jill M. Przybylski and Brock A. Swartzle, Amicus Brief Writing for the Circuit Court: The Why and the How, American Bar Association, Section of Litigation, Appellate Practice (March 6, 2012)
This article explores the reasons for submitting amicus briefs to circuit courts and offers some insight as to the peculiarities in writing and submitting amicus briefs to these courts.

Ken Strutin, Amicus Curiae: Information in the Service of Justice, LRRX (April 26, 2015)
This online articles provides summaries of even more articles on amicus briefs and a select list of additional resources.

Kelli Sager and Terri Keville, Amicus Briefs on Appeal: A Practical Guide to Success, American Bar Association, The Woman Advocate (January 4, 2017)


Amicus Brief - Graphic Novel

Maybe not the most applicable model for non-artist but presented for your enjoyment is a page from Bob Kohn's first-ever graphic novel amicus brief.  First page of Amicus Curiae Brief of Bob Kohn, filed on Sept. 4, 2012 in United States of America v. Apple, Inc. et al, Docket No. 1:12-cv-02826 (S.D.N.Y. Apr 11, 2012).  Full brief available on Bloomberg Law.