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Bankruptcy Law Research

Introduction and guide to bankruptcy research at Boston College Law School

Bankruptcy News Sources

Bankruptcy Headlines - Breaking news from the American Bankruptcy Institute; updated daily.

Bankruptcy Law News - Bloomberg Law's newsletter for bankruptcy debelopments.

Bankruptcy Law Reports - This newsletter is published weekly as part of VitalLaw's Bankruptcy Law Reporter. 

Bloomberg News: Bankruptcy - Articles pulled from Bloomberg news feed on bankruptcy topics. 

Law360 Bankruptcy Practice News - Tracks law firm representation and case outcomes for bankruptcy matters.

Rochelle's Daily Wire - Presents daily updates in bankruptcy issues from the American Bankruptcy Institute.  


Sources for Tracking Bankruptcy Developments


The following journals examine bankruptcy issues in more depth than news sources.

ABI Journal - Available on Westlaw. 

ABI Law Review - Available on HeinOnline.

American Bankruptcy Law Journal - A publication of the National Conference of Bankruptcy Judges; available on Lexis.

Commercial Law World - Available on HeinOnline. 

Emory Bankruptcy Developments Journal - Available on HeinOnline.

Norton Journal of Bankruptcy Law & Practice - Available on Westlaw. 

Pratt's Journal of Bankruptcy Law - Available on Lexis. 

Rutgers Business Law Review - Available on HeinOnline. 

Westlaw Journal Bankruptcy - Formerly Andrews Bankruptcy Litigation Reporter; available on Westlaw.