The following databases provide information on legal positions and companies outside the U.S.
GoinGlobal - This database is licensed for all BC users. If you are working off campus, you will be prompted to enter your BC network credentials. GoinGlobal offers worldwide resources for internship and job searches. It features Country Career Guides, USA/Canada City Career Guides, Job Postings and Internship Listings, H1B Visa Info, and an Employer Directory.
Corporate Affiliations (Access using your BC Law Lexis account) The Directory of Corporate Affiliations provides corporate information for over 2 million of the most prominent public and private companies and their affiliates, subsidiaries and divisions worldwide. It can be helpful for identifying U.S. companies with foreign offices or foreign companies with a U.S. presence. It is also an excellent source for company contacts.
Bloomberg Law Company Screener (Access using your BC Law Bloomberg Law account) Contents: Provides search capability for locating global public companies and more than 100,000 private companies. Filter your search to select specific industries, countries, financial data. Note: Company Profiles and Company Look-Up tools on Bloomberg Law also allow you to search for a specific company or to filter by an international location.
This directory database provides corporate hierarchies for over 2 million of the most prominent public and private parent companies and their affiliates, subsidiaries and divisions worldwide. It allows you to search for Note: BC's license is limited to 1 simultaneous user.
Business Source Complete has a company search feature that can assist in identifying companies in foreign countries. To run a search, click on the Company Information link on the right side of the screen to search for information on private and public companies. The database allows you to identify companies using various criteria such as industry, international office locations and number of employees.
Amadeus is a searchable database containing information on large public and private companies across Europe. You can use this database to identify companies with locations in Europe.