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Researching Your Career

This guide offers tips on locating resources to research law firms, judges, and companies to prepare for your interviews.

Career Resources at BC Law Library

The Boston College Law Library has a wide variety of resources to assist you in finding a legal career that meet your goals. All of the resources included this Research Guide are available to current BC Law students. To explore resources that can assist you in researching or preparing for interviews for specific legal jobs, you can review the additional guides we have created using the tabs on the left-hand side of the page.

The books listed below are a small sampling of the many titles, in both print and electronic format, available at the Law Library to help you with your career search.

Career Success Titles from West Academic Publishing

Boston College Law School students can access the Career Success through the Law School's West Academic Study Aids subscription. Some titles include: 

You can access West Academic Study Aids and access all of the Career Success titles, through the Law Library's List of Databases.

Books at BC Law Library