The sources listed below allow users to search for individuals based on the person's educational background.
Bloomberg Law provides a People Search function with the ability to filter for specific educational background. Using the People Search template, students can search for Boston College Law School alumni and then filter for government as the industry-level criteria. Watch a brief video of the People Search function here.
The Leadership Connect database provides coverage of public services positions in the courts, the federal government, as well as state and local government. After selecting the search "Community" (namely Federal Government or Courts, etc.), selecting the Advanced Search option allows users to add filters such as the name of a law school in the Education field.. Note: this database retains entries for individuals based on their past positions so you may retrieve historical information in addition to background for currently employed individuals. View a short video on searching Leadership Connect to locate BC Law alumni.
The Directory of Corporate Counsel is available on Westlaw. Using the Advanced Search template, you can search for individuals who are alumni of Boston College Law School. Additional filters allow you to narrow your search by geographic area, type of practice, etc. This directory includes nonprofit entities.