If you have found a decision relevant to your issue on appeal and you would like to review the underlying appellate briefs, from Westlaw you can try accessing the Filings tab at the top of the case to quickly identify any briefs available on Westlaw.
When you are in the full text of a court decision for which you would like to read or review the appellate briefs, you can browse the bar to the left of the decision and locate the Related Court Materials section and then link to a list of available briefs.
If you are unable to obtain the briefs through the case using the Westlaw Filings tab or the Lexis Related Court Materials link, you may be able to find the briefs along with other relevant briefs through searching online databases of appellate briefs. Print and microfiche collections are also available in the Boston College Law Library Collection.
You can generally find the winning briefs from past year's moot court competitions on the official website. See the page for your moot court on this Research Guide to locate those materials. In addition, HeinOnline maintains libraries for the National Moot Court and the Jessup Moot Court Competition. Links to those databases are included below.