Consult with the Immigration Law Specialist Librarian, Karen Breda.
Office: Law Library Room 255A
The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals website has a wealth of pragmatic information, including the clerk's office telephone number, the mailing address of the court, the court calendar, FAQs, how to use the ECF system, how to request an extension of time and a number of helpful guides and outlines.
The Rules of Court for the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals are the Federal Rules of Appellate Procedure ("FRAP"), the Rules of the Unites States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit ("9th Circuit Rules") and the General Orders of the Ninth Circuit.
AILALink is the American Immigration Lawyers Association's legal research platform. It includes the INA, immigration regulations, federal immigration cases, immigration agency decisions, other immigration agency materials and many essential immigration secondary sources, such as Kurzban's Immigration Law Sourcebook.