Example: the author has referenced a letter published in a multivolume work.
Letter from James Madison to Thomas Jefferson (Oct. 24 and Nov. 1, 1787), in 8 Documentary History of the Ratification of the Constitution , 97, 105 (John P. Kaminski & Gaspare J. Saladino eds., 1988)
See Rule 15.5.2(b)
Madison to Thomas Jefferson, 24 October and 1 November 1787, in Documentary History of the Ratification of the Constitution, eds. John P. Kaminski and Gaspare J. Saladino, vol. 8 (Madison: State Historical Society of Wisconsin, 1988), 105.
See Rules 14.117 & 14.123
Note: Chicago does not include the first page of the document, in contrast with The Bluebook. Some author/publishers might prefer to include that first page information, so ask. If in doubt, err on the side of the inclusion, and be consistent. Flag any such decision for the author.
If the researcher relied on the electronic version of this source, availble from Rotunda Press, the citations would look even more different. The Bluebook (see Rule 18.2.1) wouldn't require any indication of the online source since Rotunda Press provides the researcher with an exact copy of the print source (i.e., you can actually pull up the image of page 105).
Chicago, on the other hand, recommends inclusion of a URL or DOI to indicate that a work was consulted online (Rule 14.10). Thus, the following URL should be included with the Chicago citation above, with a comma after the page number: accessed Jun. 30 2014, http://rotunda.upress.virginia.edu/founders/RNCN-02-08-02-0001-0067.