Use secondary sources, such as treatises and law reviews, to help understand legal issues presented in the problem.
Gather all the citations to primary legal authority you know. You need to update these citations using keycite/shepardize but you can also use these updating tools to find additional cases and pertinent secondary analysis.
Keep track of your research using notes, citation managment software, and/or folders on legal research portals such as Westlaw and Lexis Advance.
Treatises on Constitutional Law
Make sure you familiarize yourself with the basic priniples of law dealt with in your problem. Moot court problems often involve constitutional law issues. Here are some recommended treatises on constiutional law.
This Research Guide provides information on conducting legislative history research which could be helpful if your issue involves statutory construction.
This Research Guide reviews the available citation checking and management tools available at BC Law that can save you time in when validating your legal authority and creating a table of authorities and table of contents.