A cost-efficient way to tap into the insurance regulations and other insurance administrative materials for a particular state is to consult the website of the insurance regulatory agency for that state. In Massachusetts, the insurance regulatory agency is the Division of Insurance. The Division of Insurance maintains a library of insurance regulatory information, including Massachusetts' insurance statutes, insurance regulations, insurance regulatory bulletins, Division of Insurance's notices of public hearing, its decisions on public hearings and much more.
To find a particular state's insurance regulatory agency, consult NAIC's Map of State Insurance Regulators.
Another way to find insurance regulations for a particular state is to consult a compendium, such as Matthiesen, Wickert & Lehrer's Fundamentals of Insurance Coverage in All 50 States (KF1220.P5M38).
The National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) is the organization of state insurance regulators for the states, Washington DC and U.S. territories. Its publication, NAIC Model Laws, Regulations and Guidelines contains the text of model laws and model regulations, as well as state adoption tables, legislative history and case annotations (including annotations to model regulations). It is available on Lexis.