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Law Review: Law Library Support for Members of the Boston College Law Review

Carrel Reservation Policy

Boston College Law School students working on major research projects may reserve a carrel for their use. This policy is intended to give students extended use of non-circulating library materials without inconveniencing other patrons. Non-library materials are not protected, and the library is not responsible for thefts. Any student may use an unoccupied reserved carrel, but must relinquish the carrel when the designated user needs it.


To be eligible for a reserved carrel you must be conducting research which requires extended use of non-circulating library materials.

Those who may be eligible for a reserved carrel include:

  • Faculty research assistants
  • Law journal staff members who are writing an article
  • Faculty teaching assistants
  • Students writing substantive papers for an independent study project or seminar

Location of Reserved Carrels

The library has 62 carrels that can be reserved by students. The carrels are located on Levels 1 and 3, and are numbered. Carrels can be reserved for one semester. If there is sufficient demand, students may be asked to share carrels.

Procedure for Reserving a Carrel

Students wishing to reserve a carrel should pick up a Carrel Reservation Form at the Information Desk and have their supervisor (editor or faculty advisor) sign it. The completed and signed Carrel Reservation Form should be brought back to the Information Desk.

Checking Out Materials to Carrels

All library books remaining in an authorized carrel must be checked out to the carrel. Please bring books to be checked out to the Information Desk. A book truck will be lent to you if you have a large number of books to check out. There is a limit of 50 non-circulating books per carrel.

High-Use Materials

The following types of high-use materials cannot be checked out to your carrel:

  • Course reserve materials (books or photocopies)
  • Permanent Reserve books (including unbound journals)
  • Reference books
  • Index volumes
  • Digest volumes
  • Code volumes

Carrel Maintenance

Carrels are monitored regularly for books not properly checked out. If a book is not properly checked out, or if it falls into one of the high-use categories listed above, it will be removed immediately. We also ask you not to stack books on the floor near your carrel. Reserved carrels are not private offices; please do not store personal materials there.

Access to Reserved Carrels by Others

When you are not sitting at your carrel other patrons may use it until you arrive. For this reason you should take any personal papers and notes with you when you are not in the carrel. The writing surface should always be clear when you are not using the carrel. Food is not permitted in carrels. Drinks are permitted in spill-resistant mugs or squeeze bottles only.

Expiration of Carrel Reservation Period

When your reserved carrel period expires please remove all books and other materials from the carrel. You are responsible for making sure that all library materials are checked in at the Information Desk, and for reshelving all books. You may borrow a book truck if you need it.

Questions or Problems

You are responsible for keeping your authorization current and the materials in your carrel properly checked out. Please contact come to the Information Desk if you need an extension or if you have any problems related to the use of your carrel.