Citations: When reviewing an author's citations, use The Bluebook (print copies available in Law Reserve and the General Collection at KF245 .B58 2020) to determine the preferred source for a citation, how to format the citation and to assist with understanding citations. Remember to use the index and tables to help hone in on the rules you need to consult. Be sure to consult the BC Law Library's Research Guide, Reading Legal Citations for assistance deciphering citations and abbreviations.
Format: For your work, a PDF image and hard copy are equivalent versions of a publication. HeinOnline has PDFs of many sources, historical and current. Remember the BC Library Catalog can lead to PDF version of both books and non law articles. Still not finding your source? You can consult a librarian. You may need to request your source from another library through Inter Library Loan (ILL).
Copies: If you locate your source in print, be sure to scan relevant pages, as well as the title page and copyright information for each source. Scanners are located in the Law Library on Level 2 near to the Information Desk, and on Level 3.
Legislative History:
Administrative materials:
Start by searching the BC library catalog for books or treatises on your source collection list.
For additional information see the Boston College Law Review Source Collection Guide.
First check HeinOnline
HeinOnline's Law Journal Library is the best source for PDF versions of law review articles. Once in Law Journal Library you can use the Citation Navigator to retrieve PDFs by entering the citation information or pasting in the citation you have.
Journal not in HeinOnline?
BC Law Library Print Journals
There are many law review articles available in BC Law's print collection which are not available online. The BC law review collections are time divided.
To locate newspaper articles to verify authors' citations in print or PDF, check the BC Law Library's guide on Retrieving Newspaper Articles for Law Review Research.
Many sources are born digital and never appear in print. Consult The Bluebook, Rule 18, If you have sources that are only available in digital format.